Customer Support

Troubleshooting Email & Cell Phone Notification Issues

In general, the process of end users receiving emails from Doculivery is a smooth and trouble-free one. However, on occasion you may find that a user has trouble receiving their notifications. This information provided below is intended to address the most common issues.

E-Mails Not Being Received (Your Company Email)

Because the Doculivery system routinely sends a large number or emails at a time, some systems will flag our emails as junk or spam, or decline to deliver them at all. Many in-house email systems need to be specifically set up to smoothly accept our emails.

If you have an in-house email system at your company, the people who manage your email system can use the following information to “whitelist” our emails so that they are delivered without delay.

All emails sent by NatPay on behalf of the Doculivery system originate from an email address ending with the domain flag Email addresses for the most popular uses of Doculivery are listed below:

Statements: [email protected]
Paystubs: [email protected]
W-2s: [email protected]

Please note that valid emails from NatPay ONLY come from the following domains:,,, and Any other emails received that are from any other domain are fake phishing emails. Do not click on any links in these emails, and report them as spam to your service provider.


E-Mails Not Being Received (Other Email)

Most of the major email providers have us whitelisted and allow our emails to go through with no difficulty. However, if a user is not receiving emails at a particular email address, please instruct them to find the email in their “Spam” or “Junk” folders and to choose the option that marks the email as “Safe” or “Not Junk.”

Please note that valid emails from NatPay ONLY come from the following domains:,,, and Any other emails received that are from any other domain are fake phishing emails. Do not click on any links in these emails, and report them as spam to your service provider.

User Receives Some Notifications, But Not Others

An occasional user may find that they receive one kind of notification, but not another. This is most commonly an error on the part of the user. You can look up the user in the Doculivery Internal system and select “Manage User” (not “Manage Account”). On the screen with the user’s information, there is a link that says Show this user's notification options. Here you can verify that the user is set up to receive the notification that he or she is not receiving. For example, a user may be set up to receive pay stub notifications, but not message notifications.

This issue may also occur with users who use Gmail or other web-based email clients that link related message together as “conversations.” If a user with this type of email client is having difficulty, encourage them to check the tabs under the message they do see. They may find that the missing message is simply hidden as a “past conversation.”

User Does Not Receive Cell Phone Notifications In A Timely Fashion

Because we do not want people’s cell phones to beep at them at unreasonable hours, we restrict the times at which we release text messages. By default, the earliest we send text messages is 10:00 a.m. ET, and the latest is 9:00 p.m. ET. If these times do not work for your company, they are changeable. Simply contact us and we will make the adjustment.

User Cannot Read Cell Phone Notifications

Some older models of cell phones do not display the cell phone notification message correctly. This is primarily a problem with old models of Sprint phones. The notification message may come with an attachment that cannot be opened. We have researched this issue and tried to resolve it with Sprint, but have not had success with it yet. As fewer and fewer people have these old phones, this is becoming less of an issue. We recommend that users with this problem move to email notifications.

User’s Cell Phone Company Is Not In List

If a user has a cell phone provider whose name does not appear in our list, then please contact our customer service department with the cell provider’s name and any other information (such as contact number or address) you can obtain about the provider. We will add the provider to the list in a timely manner.


ACH Leader

In business since 1991, NatPay remains a top leader in ACH & Document Distribution Solutions processing $153+ billion annually for 278,000+ ACH clients nationwide.

Insured & Audited

NatPay is insured through three major insurance carriers, and uses a third-party accounting firm to perform annual audits of its records.


NatPay is  HIPAA compliant, and a SSAE 18 (SOC 1) Type 2 examined organization for both ACH and Document Distribution Solutions.